Lahore, Pakistan

Our Services

We believe in improving productivity and profitability, by creating and providing optimal software development and maintenance solutions to our customers. We make sure that our customers get the highest quality standards and timely services of software solutions in all our software developments.

ASP.Net Development

If you are looking for dynamic applications and superior server side programming ALM Solutions has the expertise to provide you with your desired outcome. Being...

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ASP Development

ALM Solutions provides you with dynamic website and application development in the classic server side scripting language by IBM. ASP being partially object-oriented needs a...

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Web Application Development

Web applications are software-based websites that are very much dynamic in characteristics and mostly database-driven. Web application development differs from simple website development as there...

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Web Sites

Websites have now become a necessity. Any business owner would know that without a proper website they are not representing their business properly to the...

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Android Development

With everything now residing in your mobile device, it is imperative that all softwares having a public user interface be made available on a mobile...

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IOS Development

IOS users though less in percentage cannot be ignored. Just like the android user segment worldwide, google and iOS mobile users share around 30% of...

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Database Solutions

Software solutions and databases go hand in hand. Without being able to connect to databases you can do but little with any software. We at...

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E-Commerce Solutions

Life in current times has become fast-paced. Nobody seems to have time to go out and actually go through the rituals of physical purchase. And...

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Artificial Intelligence

The capability of a computer or a computer-controlled robot to perform human-like tasks which take into account decisions based on intelligent assessment is called AI....

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Our Products

We have always focused on developing unique products for the market - products that are required, but
not easily available.

Attendance Management & Leaves Management

Attendance Management & Leaves Management is part and parcel of every organization. We
have developed flexible software to cater to both attendance and leaves. Our software can
accommodate any organization’s attendance and leave policies to manage the attendance and
leaves of employees. Once implemented you would be able to track/monitor the details of:

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Training Management

In any good organization, staff training is important. Regular training programs make sure
that the required competency level is attained at all times. So in case if any employee has
a competency gap the particular training bridges that gap.
access control device.

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Warehouse/Inventory Management

Wherever warehouses or inventory has to be managed there are a lot of cumbersome processes
involved which if done manually could be quite overwhelming. Our warehouse/inventory
management system takes into account the minute details of warehouse and inventory
management and makes life easier for all involved.

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E-Learning is something that has taken on the world by storm as it saves tons of time and
also provides the convenience of flexible timing. As the use of computers and the internet
has grown over the last couple of years more and more people are opting for learning online.

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